Inspiration Artist- Satoshi Kon

Satoshi Kon was a Japanese manga artist, animator, screenwriter and director who was behind the critically acclaimed films Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers, among others. His career mainly took place from 1993-2010 before he died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 46.

  “Satoshi Kon used the hand-drawn medium to explore social stigmas and the human psyche, casting a light on our complexities in ways that might have failed in live action. Much of it was gritty, intense, and at times, even nightmarish. Kon didn’t shy away from mature subject matter or live-action sensibilities in his work, and his films will always occupy a fascinating middle ground between ‘cartoons’ and the world as we know it.” -Dean Deblois

Kon’s work focused mainly on the surreal, and the blending of fantasy and reality. He was incredibly imaginative and intelligent with the way he handled is work. His use of metaphor, line and color was what led me to pick him for my project.



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